Product Type:
Cheese making
Continuous Mozarella/pizza cheese curd draining and matting.
Continuous curd draining and matting system, and potential milling, salting and mellowing system.
Field of application
Pizza cheese
Pasta Filata plants
Superior for handling continuous curd flow
Curd matting above whey level
Capacity up to 8,000 kg/h (17,600 lbs/h) pizza cheese curd
Preferred dry curd system for low-moisture Mozzarella/pizza cheese types
No thin-walled hollow bodies
No curd and whey build-up in the machine
Customised solutions based on standardised modules
Easy recipe control and recording of process parameters
Easy vat ID
Patented belt edge sealing to machine wall
High-velocity low-volume CIP philosophy
Optional curd washing facilities
High production flexibility and product quality
3A sanitary standard